Tuesday, August 26, 2008


A little over a month ago, I had the opportunity to go to Haiti and minister to orphans and a missionary family. While there I was able to see poverty at almost it's worse. Today I was told that there was hurricane activity around Haiti (if you want more info, click HERE). In some ways we might think, "Just when it couldn't get worse, it does." And, in some cases, that statement is true. But, I need to remind myself that God is always faithful to his children and even uses these types of circumstances to glorify his glorious name. Isn't that amazing? He takes the sins and hard circumstances and transforms them into something beautiful.

With that knowledge, would you pray for Haiti today? They've been struck a hard blow today with the hurricane. Would you pray that they would truly repent and rely on Christ for their hope and life? Would you pray that God would use this hurricane to bring thousands to himself?

Just to get a taste of what we saw, I recommend you visit one of our team-members facebook pages, if you can. There, the orphan children sing, "Blessed Be Your Name." May the words of these song ring even more true during these circumstances!

1 comment:

AgapeTheologian said...

wow! How can Haiti get any worse?