Saturday, July 10, 2010

Missions Trip, Post #1

Hello everyone! Right now I'm sitting in the office of First Baptist Church of Oglesby as the teens are getting ready to eat breakfast. Really, there's not much to report right now (maybe that's why I have time to post this right now).

Yesterday went quite well! We got to Oglesby around 4:00. The girls got their stuff out at the place they're staying. We went out for dinner (Moms, your sons and daughters did not leave hungry). We then went to the town that Tracy's family lives. We climbed an old coal mining "dump", prayed, and went to our respective places to sleep.

Today is going to be much busier - practicing the VBS, canvassing, car wash, practices for Bible stories, preaching, singing, puppets, praise team!!!

Please pray for us that God's Spirit would fill us in immense ways so that we would please God to the fullest!


Bennett S. said...

Where's post #2?

joven said...
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joven said...
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joven said...
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