Tuesday, January 05, 2010


It's been out for a little while, and I've finally watched it. Collision is a movie where ardent atheist (or anti-theist as he prefers), Christopher Hitchens, and evangelical pastor, Doug Wilson, debate whether or not Christianity is good for the world.

The events leading up to the film are actually quite interesting in and of themselves. Doug Wilson got to know Christopher through on-line exchanges which eventually were compiled for a Christian magazine and then were finally published in a book called, "Is Christianity Good for the World?" Up to this point, Hitchens and Wilson hadn't met. Finally, it was decided that the two of them travel to different cities to debate in person. These debates were filmed and then put in the documentary called "Collision."

As with any film, there are pros and cons.

Con: To me, one sad point was that there was no decisive conclusion on who won. However, that clearly is the nature of this debate. When you have a man like Hitchens basically say that even if someone was truly virgin born, that doesn't prove anything, you know the debate is going to go on forever.
Pro: Hitchens really does have valid questions that I think need to be answered by thinking Christians (and I think have been answered by many).
Con: The film failed to reveal Wilson's answers to some of Hitchens most seemingly plausible arguments.
Pro: It was easily apparent that Wilson could have more assurance on certain matters than Hitchens. This is not to say that Wilson "wins" because of this, but it clearly demonstrates the nature of the argument. Hitchens, while clearly thinking he is right, cannot go to any ultimate justice in the universe to reason why he is right. Wilson continually goes to the Scriptures, biblical reason and ultimately to God himself for the ultimate answers for anything.
Con: The cinematography is "new." If you ever watched the movie "Bella," it's the same kind. The camera is fuzzy for a while and then focuses in on the pimple in the inner ear. (Okay, maybe not that bad, but you get the point.)
Pro: With the movements and camera angles doing all that, it didn't totally distract me. The topic and the arguments kept me focused on what was actually taking place.
Con: While the comments made during the CBN interview were interesting, I personally wish it wouldn't have been in the documentary because it is CBN (I know that sounds bad, but I have reasons).
Pro: As a Christian, I loved that Doug Wilson stood his ground faithfully and didn't compromise the Word.

These are just a few pros and cons. Overall, I would give this documentary high ratings. I personally thought the conclusion to the film was extremely good. And, I hope someday that I might be able to sponsor an event with the film.


Anonymous said...


Justin said...

Great review - very helpful, and now I'm going to watch it myself!