Monday, March 19, 2007

My Life

I feel bad because I haven't posted in a while; however, as everyone else, I've been quite busy with this, that and the other thing!

Thankfully, that busyness has not caused me to run further from God. Instead, in the midst of this busyness, I've been drawing closer to God.

Currently, I'm reading through several books (as you can see in the side panel) and I'm blessed by each of them in different ways. On Wednesday nights, I'm going through the "Don't Waste Your Life" study with our teens. We're on our third week and I've definitely been learning. It's amazing how one point will just stick in your head to meditate on. And, I've learned, through Packer's book that this is one means by which God speaks to us. He implants certain things in our mind and teaches us specific truths so that we can grow and seek His glory with even greater fervor!

I'm extremely blessed.

Here are several reasons for me saying that (I'd encourage you to write down some blessings, too, so that you think on God's favor towards you, His child):

1. I'm learning from God.

2. God has allowed me to catch a glimpse of some beautiful fruit in the teens lives. This past weekend was even more than the icing on the cake. We had an all-night prayer on Friday night. To be honest, I was praying that God would meet us, but I never expected what did happen: we literally spent hours praying, praising and meditating on God! It was beautiful and I was blessed to be a part of it.

3. We also had a missions trip meeting on Sunday - what a blessing to see the teens growing in spiritual unity and desiring to seek after God. Oh, how beautiful.

4. I have a wonderful wife and joy-producing boys. In the midst of my ministry-life and all the non-glamorous moments, God has used my family to point me to the things that really matter. (Thank you, Tracy, for your patience, love, perseverance, joy, etc.)

5. I have people lifting me up in prayer. I'm convinced that nothing truly great can happen without prayer, and I am honored that people are praying for me.

There are a myriad of other reasons to be thankful, too, but these are just a few. Praise God for His gracious blessings!

To God Alone Be The Glory!

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