Sunday, September 05, 2010

Come Ye Sinners, part 2

"I will arise and go to Jesus,
He will embrace me in His arms;
In the arms of my dear Savior,
O there are ten thousand charms."

In the previous post, we have a person who acknowledges their need for the Savior. In this stanza, we have the action-step. This person decides that, based on the great love of Jesus, he is going to respond to Christ. The expressions of the first line indicate repentance - a change of the will that directs itself towards Christ.

Now, look at what this person believes Jesus is going to do.

  1. Embrace him.
  2. Grant unlimited joy.
From this point on, the Savior holds the person - never to let him go. Sure, there are times where we feel weaker and stronger on our spiritual journey, but Jesus never lets his flock out of his care. In addition to this, Jesus doesn't just forgive - which would be amazing in and of itself. But, Jesus wants to show the glories of the Father! We are forgiven and there is everlasting joy in Christ!

When someone turns to Jesus, they have God's love protecting them, the potential of unlimited joy and a promised hope that now Jesus is not just someone else's Savior, but "my dear Savior."